This is the true story of a Puertorican who joined the Peace Corps in June 2006. This blog chronicles my misadventures in the Country of Georgia and in NO way represents the Peace Corps, its mission or its views. It is my personal blog!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Another Week Done

This week we held our second Eco-Club meeting. The students talked about problems facing their community and then we discussed ways to resolve them. One even designed a poster with strung-out teens with "Don't ruin your life" written across it! We considered hanging it up, but the fact that nearly everyone who would see it would not know English and would only see "hooligans" presented a problem. I'll take a pic and post it up soon!
For English Club, I showed them an episode of the Ghostbusters cartoons. So now there's going to be a cult following in Gori. Sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimer!


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